Posts Tagged ‘Phorm’

Phorm: Behavioral data has value and we’re prepared to pay consumers for it

April 12, 2009

Although Phorm’s methods may be controversial, this is an important acknowledgement:  

Ertugrul confirmed that the firm is looking at ways to convince users to opt-in to receiving its targeted ads. Incentives could include financial incentives or charity donations, he said.

via Phorm Incentives Could Entice Users to Allow Targeting – ClickZ.

(Blue Kai has made similar noises, although appeared to take a step back recently.)

It is usually a good development when market forces start to work.  The notion of online privacy — in the sense of freedom from tracking — is vague now, and individuals differ widely in their level of concern.  Once consumers have control over if and how their information is used, it can then be valued and more appropriately protected.